Frequently Asked Questions
When is the release date?
July 3, 2020
Where will The Fandom be released?
YouTube.com/AshCoyote, Amazon Prime, Blu-Ray, and Digital Download
What festivals have you been in?
So far we've been featured in the Los Angeles LGBTQ+ Film Festival and the Denver Film Festival.
What awards have you won?
We've one Best Feature Film at the Los Angeles LGBTQ+ Film Festival!
How has Covid-19 impacted the film?
Without being able to raise funds at film festivals, we were unable to fund data visualizations, additional animations, or international travel. It also forced us to delay the film until July due to Kickstarter rewards not being delivered on-time and post-production services being unavailable. Fortunately it hasn't impacted the primary story and it will be released on July 3rd!
Have you sold the film to a distributor?
No, we haven’t had the opportunity to work with distributors due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It is currently being independently distributed on YouTube, AmazonPrime, Blu-Ray, and Digital Download.
Who are the Main Characters?
Mark Merlino:
Founder of the first anime club in the 1970s, Mark is an avid animation and sci-fi fan. He brought Osama Tezuka and early Anime to America. He connected with animators and artists to start the first furry convention in 1990.

Rod O'Riley:
Mark’s partner who helped start the first furry convention. He discovered his love of animation when he first saw Disney’s Robin Hood. Mark and Rod are the elders of the furry fandom and continue to host furry events to this very day.

One of the only women running furry conventions. Bubbles, a former EMT, manages 5 different furry conventions all over the United States at the age of 26.

Dr. Samuel Conway:
Originally a sci-fi fan who became the chairman of one of the largest and oldest furry conventions in the world. Anthrocon is the 2nd largest furry convention in the world, and the the 3rd largest revenue producing convention for the city of Pittsburgh.